
Here is our team, the people who contribute to the blog and the reason this website is still up and running!

Phil: the founder and editor of the blog. You can follow him on Twitter here.

Rachel: She goes to many PPVs and live events in the UK! You can follow her on Twitter here.

Chris: A big wrestling fan who is into gaming, craft beer and music! You can follow his Twitter here, but beware, he’s a hugger!

Ray: A die hard fan who has been a fan since an early age! He enjoys watching and talking about wrestling, and also forces his twin daughters to watch obscure WCW PPVs against their will. His Twitter is here, and you can feel free to follow him!

Gavin: Big wrestling fan. You can follow his Twitter here!

Francisco: He is an American friend and a big wrestling fan and also runs his own podcast. You can see the latest episode of ‘The Podcast of 1004 Holds’ here and follow him on Twitter here.

Ben: A fan of all types of wrestling, he watches any types of wrestling he can find! You can follow his Twitter here!